Project 2

Project 2

Classrooms’ Refurbishment


Typical classroom in Primary school of Tsela III in Bandjoun

The classroom environment plays a crucial role in a child’s success.

A school (Ecole primaire de Tsela III) in the village of Bandjoun would like to give their children the best education they can offer. Unfortunately, the learning environment is not ideal, as the walls and the floors for many classrooms need to be renovated, qnd the school materials, for both teachers and children, are old and not functional.

We believe that a positive environment correlates with better test scores and higher achievements, whereas a negative environment makes it difficult for children to focus on their studies.

This is why KondiKids would like to offer to renovate 2 of the classrooms in this school in Bandjoun. We wish to provide them with the following:

To be provided: Estimated costs in €
Building and floor renovation (walls plastering, new flooring, new windows, etc). +/- 2500
100 school tables x 90/u 9000
100 school chairs x 50/u 5000
2 white/black boards with markers x 150/u 300
2 teacher’s desks x 300/u 600
2 teacher’s chairs x 125/u 250
Total +/- 18 000

We wish to be able to provide the school with two new classrooms by the academic year of 2019‑2020.

With your contribution we can make it a reality. Help KondiKids in whichever way touches your heart!


Posted on

June 19, 2018

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